Information Please: On-Line Dictionary, Internet Encyclopedia, Atlas & Almanac Reference
Do a search on Kamehameha. Wonderful free online encyclopedia.
Reference: Directories
Gander Academy's Theme-Related Resources on the World Wide Web Ancient Egypt! Vikings! Hurricanes! Monsters! These are but a few of the Theme Pages featured on this comprehensive site. For example, the Medieval Times page will link you to everything medieval...knights, castles, clothing, music, weapons, technology and more! If you're a student, a teacher, or just curious (like me), this is a site well worth exploring! (Hint: if you're doing a report on medieval castles, why not construct Merlin's Castle to give your project that extra "oomph"?)
StudyWeb An excellent directory of reference, craft and activity resources.
Web Schooling for the kids of the Web Generation Make learning on the internet fun with this well-organized site featuring extensive educational links. Topics include Science, Mathematics, Geography, Hobbies, History and much more.
Reference: Hawaiiana
The Hawaiian Language Website
One of my favorite resources on the Hawaiian Language. Lots of aloha!
E komo mai. Nou ka hale. This site, created by the 4th Grade Dream Quest Program at Kapolei Elementary School, teaches children how the Hawaiian Islands were created.
Kapunahala Elementary School's Legends of Hawaii
The keiki at Kapunahala Elementary have done a delightful job retelling and illustrating Hawaiian myths.
Mamaka Kaiao Hawaiian Dictionary
Mo'o and Lolo's Cyber Hawaiian Dictionary Online Enter an English word and get the Hawaiian translation!
The Native Hawaiian Library Alu Like's monthly newsletter from their Native Hawaiian Library Program features educational Hawaiian themes and activities. Alu Like's home page:
Reference: Language Dictionaries and Translators
AltaVista-World/Translate (Babel Fish) Here's something fun to do. Log on to Alta Vista's translator, and enter the web address of your favorite web page. You can view that page translated into Spanish, German, French and more. Or find a web page in another language and translate it into English. The translations are very rough and are sometimes quite amusing.
Online Language Dictionaries and Translators Extensive list. - Language Dictionaries According to, "there are 6800 known languages spoken in the 191 countries of the world. Fewer than 1,000 have writing systems (the others are only spoken)." Online dictionaries for over 270 languages (real and imaginary) are listed here. Not only can you find translations in Maori and Sherpa, but you can also learn Vulcan, Klingon and Tolkien languages!
Reference: Multicultural
Jade Dragon's Celebrations Around the World Are you mystified by the Micronesian New Year, Cold Food Day, Wandering Soul's Day, and Insect-Hearing Festival? I am too!
Kids Web Japan Writing a paper on Japan? Interested in Japanese holidays, food and history? Check it out!
Regional Folklore and Mythology
African, Anatolian, Latvian, impressive, comprehensive A-Z directory of folklore and mythology links.
Travel n' Stuff 4 Kids
Download coloring activities, puzzles, origami and crafts to keep kids busy on long airplane rides and holidays!
The World of Royalty- History, News and Books
This is really cool. Doing a paper on Prince Charles? Henry VIII? You can learn about African, Asian, Middle Eastern, European, and Pacific royalty on this web site.
Reference: Science
Bill Nye, The Science Guy Features 40 science experiments you can do at home. Make a barometer, float eggs in salt water or go fishing for planaria (eeew!).
Marshall Brain's How Stuff Works
How do airplanes fly? How does your computer work? How do radio control cars work? How does a gameboy work? I don't know...ask Marshall!
Construct and animate geometric thingamajigs...make 'em move faster by adjusting muscle waves and gravity. Confused? If Cosmo can do it, you can too!
University of Hawai'i Institute for Astronomy
Tour the international array of telescopes atop Mauna Kea.
VolcanoWorld's Kid's Door Want to see a Strombolian Eruption Simulation? Play a volcano sliding puzzle game? Whether you want to learn about volcanic legends, or just make an erupting volcano for your school project, this is neat site to check out.
Reference: Wildlife
The Animal Diversity Web
Armadillos, hedgehogs, echidnas...everything you wanted to know about many species. An excellent resource if you have to do a tough paper about an obscure animal. The Search for Ancient Sharks Fascinating pictures and information about prehistoric sharks. You wouldn't want to be caught swimming with these fish!
Earthtrust Detailed information about marine life.
Enchanted Learning's All About Sharks
The Pacific Whale Foundation Everything you need to know about whales and porpoises.
Sharks of Hawaii
State of Hawaii Division of Forestry and Wildlife Hawaiian Endangered Animals Coloring Book Color and learn!
Turtle Trax Information about sea turtles and a neat page of kid's activities.
University of Hawaii Leeward Community College Zoology 101 Animal Report Directory What's a Ghala? What's a White-bellied Go-away Bird? Find out about these and other animals.
Waikiki Aquarium Marine Life Profiles Great source of information about vertebrates AND invertebrates in Hawaiian waters.
Children's Literature
The Children's Literature Web Guide Links to other children's book authors.
Dav Pilkey's Web Site O' Fun Fun activities from the author/illustrator of "Captain Underpants."
Jan Brett's Children's Literature Site Activities, crafts and cards to email from a popular children's book author.
Just For Kids Who Love Books
Aerogami Paper Airplanes Print and fold paper airplanes.
Craft Recipes Long list of gooey fun recipes, from resin paper-mache to super playdough. Sticky!
The Creativity Portal
Filled with free instruction, articles and tutorials to help you express yourself through arts, crafts, music and writing.
DLTK's Printable Crafts for Kids
Features children's crafts, coloring pages, projects for holidays and educational themes. Printable templates suitable for ages 2 and up.Ê's Crafts For Kids Craft projects for preschool, kindergarten and elementary school children.'s Activities Fun crafts. - Our Original Paper Toys
Get your printer warmed up, because once you start printing and assembling these beautiful paper models, you won't be able to stop yourself! This is a highly recommended site. My creative consultant, Cosmo, spent hours and a color ink cartridge creating cats, cars, cartoon characters, lobsters, hummingbirds and more.
Joseph Wu's Origami Page Incredible paper art. If you thought origami was limited to folding paper cranes, you must check out Joseph's intricate works of paper art.
Merlin's Castle
Got the September blues? Rainy days keeping you in the house (or sweltering days, depending upon where you live)? Here's a paper castle that you can print and assemble, complete with Merlin, knights, evil queen and a working draw bridge. Instructions included, difficulty: moderate.
Oriland If you like origami, you'll be interested in Oriland, an entire world of castles, trees and people, all made from folded paper.
Games and Activities
Billy Bear's Playground - Billy Bear 4  Storybooks, clipart, screensavers, holiday fun and games.
Ezone Free family fun and games.
Kids Domain
Koconut Keiki Fun Club Hawaii-themed games and activities.
If you haven't caught on to the neopets craze yet, check it out. You create a virtual pet and explore a virtual world with shops, banks, safety deposit boxes, auctions, guilds, and of course, games. I thought the "Shop" link would connect me to a commercial page, but no, it was a shop to "buy" virtual pet food, books and toys for your neopet using, what else, virtual neopoints earned from playing games. Teaches kids basic economics, with an interest-earning virtual bank, virtual stock market, and more. Did I say it was all virtual? Well, it is. And it's free.
Cartoons and online arcade.
Other Cool Sites
Berit's Best Sites for Children
Education World, Where Educators Go To Learn
Great Sites
K-8 Teaching Resource for Educational Products
Top 100 Web Sites For Kids
UK Children's Directory A comprehensive web directory of children's activities and services throughout the UK. A site for all the family.
The Wood's Kid's Page
The Keiki Page / Coloring / Crafts / Javascript Games / Origami / Puzzles To Print / Turtle Talk / Keiki Links / Hawaii Schools / Home