Origami & Crafts
Origami Folding Tips
Origami, from the Japanese ori (to fold) and kami (paper), began in the 6th century when Buddhist monks introduced paper to Japan. The print-and-fold crafts and easy diagrams are designed to help children with fine motor skills, directions and hand eye coordination. Some basic origami folding tips:
- Print and cut out patterns carefully.
- Fold with clean, dry hands.
- Follow the instructions. Study the diagrams and be patient.
- Be precise: fold each crease well, flattening the creases by running your fingertip over the fold.
- Folding the paper away from you is easier than folding towards you.
- Be creative...use your origami on greeting cards, holiday decorations, table place cards and bookmarks.
For more origami and crafts, visit my origami blog at origami-n-stuff4kids.blogspot.com/